În perioada 15-22 septembrie 2015, Asociatia Clubul de Turism PROILAVIA Brăila a participat in Bulgaria  la proiectul “ YOUth CREAtive Tourism Environment (YOU CREATE) , în cadrul programului european Erasmus+ , in calitate de partener al organizatiei Cluster Turism Sofia. Echipa formată dintinerii Georgiana Tudor​ ,Teodora Lungu,​ Iulia  Târhoacã,​ Mihaiță Tănase​Florin Cheleș,​ Mădălin Ionuț​ și Gabriel​ Lâlă (lider de grup)– toti din jud Braila, mun.Braila,com.Silistraru,Viziru, Chiscani, Sihleanu –  a reprezentat cu cinste Brăila și România.  Ideea proiectului YOU CREATE a fost de a crea o rețea de tineri profesionisti, intr-un mod inovator, pentru a dezvolta potențialul turismului rural ca o modalitate de a combate somajul în zonele rurale. Activitatile au fost in conformitate cu programul European de mobilitate pentru tineret Erasmus +. 
    Peste 50 de tineri cu vârsta între 18-25 ani din 7 organizatii partenere au luat parte la acest proiect. Organizatiile participante au fost : Cluster Tourism, Bulgaria, A.B.A.T.-Balkania Skopje, Macedonia, Shoqata Shqiptare e Ambjentalisteve Industriale, Albania, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi, Turcia, Asociatia Clubul de Turism Proilavia Braila, Romania , Zavod za raziskave, izobrazevanje in trajnostni razvoj, Slovenia, Fundación Uxío Novoneyra, Spania, Mirkovo Municipality, Bulgaria.
     Activitățile de mobilitate au inclus : prezentari, , seri culturale, sesiuni de teambuilding și activități care au stimulat dezvoltarea abilităților antreprenoriale în rândul tinerilor, jocuri strategice de grup, rezolvarea problemelor, sesiuni de brainstorming, vizite tematice in orasul Plovdid (Capitala Culturala Europeana în anul 2019),Sofia, Mirkovo, Chavdar, Koprivshtitsa-locuri pline de istorie, traditii si ecoturism.
Potențialele beneficii pe termen lung ale acestui proiect pot fi vazute la toate nivelurile local, regional, național și european. Obiectivele proiectului au fost în conformitate cu prioritățile Strategiei „Europa2020″, „Educație și formare 2020″ și cadrul reînnoit pentru cooperarea europeană în domeniul tineretului (2010-2018).

Asociatia Clubul de turism Proilavia, organizatie de tineret, va participa in perioada 15-25 septembrie 2015 in Bulgaria la proiectul european YOU CREATE .Cautam tineri cu varsta intre 18-25 ani care locuiesc in localitati rurale , studiaza/au studiat/turism , sau au legatura cu tema proiectului- pt a participa GRATUIT la un proiect european in Sofia-Bulgaria !!!!
Cei care doriti sa participati sunt rugati sa contacteze asociatia la tel 0723337963,email proilaviabraila@yahoo.com - Termen limita 15 august 2015 !
E sansa ta !


Asociatia Clubul de Turism Proilavia Braila, Romania – partener  in cadrul proiectului european YOUth CREAtive Tourism Environment (YOU CREATE)

                  Ideea proiectului YOU CREATE este de a crea o rețea de tineri profesionisti, intr-un mod inovator ,pentru a dezvolta potențialul turismului rural ca o modalitate de a combate somajul în zonele rurale.Activitatile vor fi în conformitate cu programul European de mobilitate pentru tineret Erasmus +.                                                                                                          Un numar de 49 de tineri cu varsta intre 18-25 ani,  7 lideri de grup, 7 organizatii partnere vor lua parte la acest proiect. Organizatiile participante sunt : Cluster Tourism, Bulgaria, A.B.A.T.-Balkania Skopje, Macedonia, Shoqata Shqiptare e Ambjentalisteve Industriale, Albania, CANAKKALE ONSEKIZ MART UNIVERSITESI, Turrcia, ASOCIATIA CLUBUL DE TURISM PROILAVIA, Romania , Zavod za raziskave, izobrazevanje in trajnostni razvoj, Slovenia, Fundación Uxío Novoneyra, Spania, Mirkovo Municipality, Bulgaria.  Activitățile de mobilitate sunt: prezentari, vizite, seri culturale, sesiuni de teambuilding și activități care stimulează dezvoltarea abilităților antreprenoriale de conducere în rândul tinerilor, jocuri strategice de grup, rezolvarea problemelor,sesiuni de brainstorming.
                Potențialele beneficii pe termen lung ale acestui proiect pot fi vazute la toate nivelurile local, regional, național și european.Acestobiectivpetermenlungeste înconformitatecuprioritățileStrategiei "Europa 2020", "Educație șiformare 2020" șicadrulreînnoitpentrucooperareaeuropeană îndomeniultineretului (2010-2018).  Data de începere a proiectului este 15.07.2015. În iulie și august va fi pregătit un chestionar pe care fiecare dintre candidații care doresc să ia parte în calitate de participanți la acest proiect vor trebui să-l completeze, pentru a fi definite motivația inițială a acestora, interesul  participarii  lor la proiect. Activitățile de mobilitate vor fi repartizate pe un program 7 zile și se va desfășura în perioada 15 – 22 septembrie 2015 la Sofia si Mirkovo in Bulgaria. Activitățile de tineret vor fi separate tematic în șapte teme, una pentru fiecare dintre zi a evenimentului. 
            Cluster "Turism" Sofia este un consorțiu non-profit de mai multe organizații a căror activitate este concentrată în turism.Clusterul are ca actiuni consolidarea cooperarii  între municipalități, sectorul non-profit și sectoarele de activitate pentru a promova dezvoltarea durabilă a comunităților locale din regiunile mai puțin dezvoltate economic din Bulgaria.
P R O G  R A M
ERASMUS KA1 -  Youth Exchange "YOU CREATE"Participant Organizations: Cluster Tourism, A.B.A.T.-Balkania Skopje, Shoqata Shqiptare e Ambjentalisteve Industriale, CANAKKALE ONSEKIZ MART UNIVERSITESI, ASOCIATIA CLUBUL DE TURISM PROILAVIA, Zavod za raziskave, izobrazevanje in trajnostni razvoj, Fundación Uxío Novoneyra и Mirkovo Municipality Daily Schedule
15.09. - "EUROPE WITHOUT BORDERS" Ice-breaking session - "My name is" Bulgarian Culture Night 
16.09- "GET TO KNOW THE THOURISM SECTOR"  Lecture -of Assoc., Etc. Rumen Draganov, Chairman of Institute for Analysis and Assessment in Tourism Discussion: "Development and prospects for realization of young Europeans in the field of rural tourism" Presentations by participants: What I know about rural tourism" Albanian Culture Night 
17.09 - "THE LOCAL TRADITIONS AND THEIR ROLE IN THE RURAL TOURISM " Visit to Mirkovo  Meeting with the Mayor and local entrepreneurs  Visit of local nature landmarks  Spanish Culture Night
18.09 - "GET OUTDOORS DAY" Visit the sights in Chavdar and Koprivshtica Visit to the "Aramliets" protected area Slovenian Culture Night 
19.09 - "EQUALLY DIFFERENT - TRADITIONS AND CULTURE" Visit to the local Community Building in Mirkovo Introducing of Local Customs and Traditions  Rumanian Culture Night 
20.09 - "ТOGETHER WE CAN DO MORE" Presentations - each group presents the geographical and cultural area from which they are coming Brainstorming Session: How to develop and promote rural tourism in these areas Macedonian Culture Night
21.09 - "DAY OF THE GLOBAL INNOVATORS " Lecture of Boyan Ivanov: The application of IT technologies and social networks in тхе promoting rural tourism Q & A Session Preparation of a joint projects: Ideas for development of rural tourism over the next 10 years Turkish Culture Night 
22.09  "YOUNG LEADERS  IN THE DEVELOPMENT  OF RURAL TOURISM" Presentation of the projects prepared by the participants  Awarding the best project with "European innovator in rural tourism" Making a video diary with messages from the participants Concluding discussion, reflection and  summary of lessons learned during the eight days of exchange

The idea of the YOU CREATE project is to create a network of young professionals, in an innovative and purposeful way and will develop the potential of the rural tourism as a way to deal with unemployment in rural areas. To ensure the success of the network, a series of methods will be used, all of which will be in accordance with the youth mobility programme of Erasmus+. Methods of informal learning will be utilized in the form of youth exchange, where youth participants will actively take part in the project’s decision process, instead of being passive participants.
49 young people aged between 18 and 25 years, as well as 7 group leaders, from the 7 partnering organizations will participate in the project. Carefully selected young people from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Albania, Turkey, Slovenia and Spain will be active participants and ambassadors of the project and its results. They will be selected according to the following criteria:
• young people with social disadvantages (living in economically deprived rural regions)
• young people, coming from families that work in the rural tourism sector
• young people, currently studying tourism at their respective educational institutions
 The idea of the activities, foreseen in this project, is to contribute to the creating of a system, which decrease the incompatibility between the academic knowledge gained in educational institutions, and the practical skills that are needed to work in the rural tourism sector. This system formed in the form of a network, or a “society” with constantly increasing number of members – young professionals with various experience and knowledge in the rural tourism.
 The mobility activities include: presentations, visits, cultural evenings, teambuilding sessions and activities that stimulate the development of leadership and entrepreneurial skills amongst the young people, strategic group games, problem-solving and brainstorming sessions. The selected activities will develop participants’ professional e and personal skillset. The youth mobility activities of YOU CREATE will:
 • implement intercultural exchange
• enhance the presentation and teamwork skills of the participants
• enable the exchange of good practices
• develop a sense of tolerance and solidarity
• create a network of young professionals, within a fast-developing sector
• develop their entrepreneurial and leadership skills
• develop their eco-awareness
• create conditions for the development of an active and alert civil society
 The following actions will be undertaken in order for disseminate the results of the activities amongst a big number of people who are not participating in the mobility:
• issuing a final report, for free distribution containing important analysis and findings of the participants;
• creating a website for more effective distribution of the results and eased communication between the members of the constantly increasing network of young professionals;
• meetings with the target groups – governing institutions on a local level, educational institutions, NGOs, associations and entrepreneurs.
• active participation of young people, familiar with YOU CREATE and its popularization at various bazaars, exhibitions and festivals
• active online participation via social media, the Erasmus Plus dissemination website, academic reports, local press and specialized tourism articles
 The project aims to reach as many as possible young people who are: interested in the development of rural tourism, unemployed, disadvantaged, or local government institutions, NGOs, SMEs, universities, schools, public institutions, start-ups, experts in the field of tourism etc.
 The potential long-term benefits of this project can be seen at all local, regional, national and European levels. The to-be-created network of young people, involved in the development of rural tourism through intercultural cooperation and exchange of experience, will contribute to the emerging of successful young entrepreneurs and professionals in the rural tourism sector in their respective regions. This will lead to the opening of many new job vacancies as a way of fighting the high levels of local unemployment and the immigration of young people from rural to urban areas. The gradually increasing number of young members of the business network from different countries will help to spread the effect of the successfully used methods and practices. The diversity of experience and competences of the network’s members will altogether contribute to the creation of an “incubator” for business ideas in the rural tourism sector. This long-term aim is in line with the priorities of the “Europe 2020” strategy, “Education and training 2020” and the renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-2018). The leading strategy of the project is to think globally, while taking initial actions on a local level (“Think globally, act locally”).
 The starting date of the project is 15.07.2015. In July and August will be prepared a questionnaire that each of the candidates who wish to take part as participants in that project will have to fill in in order to be defined their initial motivation, interest and expectations from their participation in the project.
 Each of the participating countries will select 6 (3 boy and 3 girls) participants (young people between 18 and 25) and 1team leader (no age requirement).
 The mobility activities will be spread across a 8 day programme and will be conducted in the period between 15.09.2015 – 22. 09. 2015. The youth activities will be thematically separated in seven topics, one for each of day of the event.
 The participating countries are Bulgaria, Rumania, Macedonia, Spain, Turkey, Slovenia and Albania.
The reimbursement of the travel costs per participant are as follows:
  1. Macedonia – 80 euro
  2. Albania – 80 euro
  3. Turkey – 80 euro
  4. Rumania – 80 euro
  5. Slovenia – 170 euro
  6. Spain – 270 euro